How can I help you?

I specialise in re-energising teams, platforms, projects and products by providing stability, direction, and setting up for future growth. Whether privately owned, PE backed, seed or VC Series-A to C - I've been involved in almost all life-cycles of a business

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Quick Case Studies

Here are some examples of how I've helped various companies unlock their potential.

Growth Street

Growth Street was experiencing issues with Product & Technology not working together seamlessly - conflict between the Head of Engineering and Product Leadership was leading to poor motivation within the team. They’d also hired a permanent CTO, not due to join for 3 months, but needed to steady the ship, fast, to prevent many of the team from churning.


The CTO had gone AWOL due to personal circumstances leaving the business without product and technical leadership. Once a leader in fitness trackers/step counters the business itself was recovering from a few years of haemorrhaging cash and the CEO was leading a turnaround of the business fortunes but needed help and support getting the new B2B product ready to launch into several high-profile international clients.

Working closely with the COO and CEO we turned around a platform which had significant Mobile App and SaaS performance issues and was costing a disproportionate amount of money to operate, and a product/tech team who were struggling to make progress.

Over a 9 month period we closed the London engineering hub, and launched a new one in Bulgaria, and ensured the right organisational structure, culture and alignment between London and Sofia (Bulgaria) was in place..

The Accountancy Cloud

The CEO had become increasingly frustrated with an external agency which had built the initial version of their accountancy platform.
  • Mentored CEO/CTO
  • Brought technical solution inhouse
  • Added urgency to the migration in house
  • Extricated business from toxic agency relationship
  • Guided CEO through failed AI/ML outsourced arrangement to an external consultancy eventually leading to a 250% reduction in back office cost and effort to reconcile their clients accounts.
  • Helped with establishing recruitment process
  • Realigned product & engineering roadmaps
  • Enabled the Technical Lead to established best practice tools, processes and procedures across the business


Tom Weaver, CEO @ Flyt

Jon joined at a critical phase where the business needed to mature and scale-up globally after 5 years of being a UK only tech startup, and start working with some of the biggest Food & Beverage brands on the planet. Jon took the bull by the horns and added structure, people, breadth and depth to almost all areas of the business, whilst tackling the many fires tech startups experience, before they could turn into infernos.

Greg Carter, CEO @ Growth Street

We hired Jon to restructure the engineering team, with the goal of improving productivity and happiness levels. Jon far surpassed my expectations and those of the team.

Jon has given us a firm foundation and allowed technology to be a key enabler of our growth. I look forward to seeing which company Jon transforms next!